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Training Services
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Well, my side account is open to holding a few dogs for training services.

Your dog will be given 40 sessions a day with scholar collar + trainer perk If I can fit more on than that I will try to do so, but 40 is the number I know I can get for sure every day :)

All prices are determined by the TP of the dog; prices can be adjusted if needed, though these are about the ranges I am expecting.
TP 0-400: $35,000 or 1 bone
TP 401-700: $55,000 or 1 bone
TP 701-1000: $75,000 or 2 bones
TP 1001-2000: $105,000 or 2 bones
TP 2001-3000: $150,000 or 3 bones
TP 3001-4000: $200,000 or 3 bones
TP 4001-5000: $300,000 or 4 bones
TP 5001+ 10 bones

Again, these prices can be changed/adjusted. For right now I would prefer dogs with 2000 TP and under, as they are easily trained in a much shorter time with the limited amount of sessions I will be using on them. However, if you would like to send me a dog with higher TP, please do remember it will take time.

Some extras:
I will put a timewarp on all dogs that I train;
I will feed all dogs that I am training speed chow or chicken kibble;
dogs can be given companions aside from energy companions, however, if you opt for another companion in an energy companions place your dog may not receive the full 40 sessions+

Please ask any questions you may have :) These services will be open to much faster services in the future once my lines are finished (which they are getting there!) But for now I'm willing to tackle smaller jobs :)

05-21-2012 at 12:05 PM
How much would it be for Ronno [415.35] and Carri [531.64]? I'd love for you to max them. c:

05-2-2012 at 3:09 PM
i have several dogs in need of training. All of there TP is under 1k and located at the bottom of my kennel. i can pay any price. if your still open,care to message me about it.


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